Haurtzaroan oliba-olio birjina estraren onurak agerikoak dira, batez ere, gure bizitzako oinarrizko etapa nagusirako. “Haurren” olio birjina estra txikientzat bereziki garatu da. Hasierako heltze fasean arbequina barietateko olibaekin bakarrik egina, heldutasun-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, olioari zapore leuna eta fruta freskoaren usainak ematen dizkio. Bere zaporea oso atsegina da haurrentzat, azidotasun baxuagatik (< 0,2º) ezin hobea da, eta digestio onaren alde egiten du. Goi mailako oliba arbequinatik lortzen da zuzenean, eta mekanikoki garai egokian bilduta. prozedurak eta hotzeko artezketa. Iragazi gabe eta dekantatze prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez, zapore leun eta fruitutsua lortzen da, eta horrek kolesterola prebenitzen laguntzen du, eta olio birjinetan dauden antioxidatzaile naturalak mantentzen ditu. Olio aproposa da porridge, pure,... gehitzeko eta modu honetan dieta mediterraneoaren
Miel de Montaña
Descripción: La miel de montaña se obtiene a altitudes elevadas, lo que le proporciona un sabor más intenso y una textura cremosa. Es conocida por su pureza, rica en antioxidantes y perfecta para quienes buscan una miel de alta calidad.
El aceite de oliva virgen extra que contiene polifenoles es un producto que proporciona 10 veces más antioxidantes que los aceites de oliva virgen extra convencionales. Nuestro aceite se obtiene directamente de las aceitunas, mediante un proceso mecánico y extracción en frío, sin filtrar y con un cuidadoso decantado natural, para no dañar los polifenoles de alta calidad, obteniéndose directamente de la variedad Arróniz en el momento exacto de maduración, sin alcanzar su estado de madurez máxima, manteniendo todos sus aromas y sabores intactos, gracias a los procesos mecánicos y de extracción en frío. Gracias a la variedad Arróniz, a través de un proceso de decantación natural y sin filtrar, los polifenoles de oliva, como el hidroxitirosol y el oleuropeína, ayudan a reducir la incidencia de diversas patologías degenerativas, protegiendo los lípidos en sangre del estrés oxidativo. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeína 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Consumido en crudo (solo, o añadiéndolo a alimentos fríos). Con dos cucharadas al día, ayudarás a cuidar tu corazón y a mantener niveles adecuados de colesterol. Además, protegerás las células del estrés oxidativo, ralentizando así el proceso de envejecimiento.
Cañizo de caña natural fabricado artesanalmente, ideal para restaurar, aislar o reforzar techos y tabiques. Este material ha sido utilizado tradicionalmente como conservador natural de frutas y verduras en masías y bodegas, debido a sus excelentes propiedades. Su proceso de fabricación manual garantiza un acabado auténtico y de alta calidad. Medidas: 2,20 m de largo x 0,90 m de ancho.
Acondicionador para platos terminados. Su sabor y aroma naturales e intensos, los de la trufa negra, son incomparables, despertando todas las sensaciones e intereses. Solo se necesita añadir unas gotas de nuestro aceite refinado para darle un toque de trufa al plato.
El aceite se obtiene mediante un proceso de extracción mecánica y en frío, decantado a baja temperatura en depósitos y embotellado sin filtración. Como resultado, tiene un "vapor natural" distintivo y mantiene intactas sus propiedades y vitaminas.
Es un aceite con un sabor aromático y vivo a trufa. Se recomienda para preparar diferentes platos, como: risottos, pastas, carnes, huevos fritos, tortillas y pescados.
Nuestros aceites ricos en polifenoles contienen hidroxitirosol, al que se le añaden extractos de trufa. Fecha de caducidad y periodo de almacenamiento: 24 meses.
Oleohealth® ur-kefir es una bebida deliciosa y saludable, ya que contiene microorganismos vivos (culturas de kefir) y los polifenoles de nuestro olivo. Se produce mediante la fermentación del agua viva de la cultura de kefir, añadiendo nuestro jugo de oliva.
El resultado es una bebida con un poco de dióxido de carbono, baja en calorías y azúcares. Cada botella contiene menos del 2% de azúcar*, y ese azúcar* es utilizado por los cultivos probióticos (géneros Lactococcus, Lactobacillus y Bifidobacterium) para crecer.
De esta manera, combinamos las características de los yogures con bifidus y de una bebida isotónica, sin los efectos nutricionales de los productos lácteos o de los azúcares y edulcorantes añadidos. Es una bebida carbonatada viva y no está pasteurizada.
Oleohealth® ur-kefir también proporciona los beneficios de los polifenoles del olivo, que son antioxidantes y antiinflamatorios potenciales, así como otras propiedades que históricamente son bien conocidas.
Available sizes 30x10 – 2/3cm
Other thicknesses: No
Board: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
El uso del ónix en la construcción no solo añade valor estético, sino que también se considera un signo de estatus debido a su rareza y coste elevado. Además, su capacidad para ser retroiluminado permite a los diseñadores crear efectos luminosos únicos, transformando espacios y proporcionando un toque distintivo y personalizado.
Example Laja Blanca
Other thicknesses: No
Board: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Pre-assembled Multicolor Taco
Available sizes: 60x20 – 2.5/4cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Available sizes 60x30x2
Other thicknesses: Yes
Table: Yes
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Available sizes 60x30x2
Other thicknesses: Yes
Table: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Black Slate
Pallets: 30m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Laja Cream
Other thicknesses: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Board: No
El ónix es un material utilizado en la construcción y decoración de casas y edificios debido a su elegancia, durabilidad y atractivo estético. Es una piedra natural, semipreciosa, compuesta principalmente de sílice, y se presenta en diversas tonalidades, aunque las más comunes son el negro y el blanco, con características vetas que pueden ser de diferentes colores. Estas vetas y patrones únicos hacen que cada pieza de ónix sea singular, lo que lo convierte en un material altamente apreciado en proyectos de alta gama.
Rustic Slate Albero
Pallets: 25m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.